Friday, November 9, 2012


Ever start a project, activity or, get on a horse and stay to yourself, "What WAS I thinking?!"  Well, horses; there's only been a couple in my life where I got on and litterally prayed that things would turn out okay.  Activities; there's been a few... portaging a canoe in the Boundry Waters in MN I distincly remember thinking to myself I was stupid, several roller coasters of course had their moments of 'NO, no, no, no, NO!', taking off at a dead run on a fast horse... who was faster than you thought it was, and there was the time I hopped in a family friend's fuel injected sprint car you could start with a push of a button and my ever fun family started rolling it with me in it.  Projects; on a regular basis.  Things ALWAYS seem simpler in your head!

My latest project: painting my bedroom set that consists of a dresser, mirror and 2 night stands my parents baught for me before I started high school at an auction, a full bed my mom found in the attic of a place she lived LONG before me, but looks amazingly like it goes with my other furnature, and a book case that doesn't 'belong'.  I painted the book case to learn the ins and outs of painting furnature (did I mention that this is my first time?).  Not a problem, so I started on the dresser.

Here's what things looked like before, I think it was tan with gold trim before we got it in it's white color.

SO, because of it's beat up nature, and the fact Mom painted the bed brown when she had it, I decided to repaint them all... with a blue/green piping the bed used to be - tra le de la da! (insert the 'WHAT am I thinking?!')

Looks good, right?  Now, this is after my dear (poor? lol) husband interviened to get the paint on more evenly because my first TWO coats weren't looking so hot.

Then... this morning I started the piping...
Doesn't look horrid from a distance, but then you look closer and wonder what someone with poor dexarity was thinking! 

Taking pictues helps, gives me some hope.  But still going to wait until my PH (poor husband) gets home before doing more so there's less to undo if we scrap the idea.

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