Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sneaking in a ride

Despite the MS and not being able to ride for a long time, and having the baby and just plain not having much time, I am really making a descent 'run' with the distance derby.  Amazing how a little competition, even if it's just with yourself, will motivate you.  Currently, I'm listed as 46th out of 70+ riders.  Not bad considering my circumstances!  Last night my husband called and said he hadn't had much work and was hoping to be home by 4:30, so what do I do, I go change into riding clothes (*not* my PJs I hadn't bothered getting out of all day since I had no where to go!) and wait anxiously for Nate to arrive to trudge out in the 8?+ inches of snow to catch me a horse and saddle him.
 I had him grab Clue so I'd have a nice, easy ride before it got totally dark.  
In using a GPS for the race, I found out that Clue's trot is twice as fast as Cherokee cantering (slowly so I can sit it easily) and it's still more comfortable to ride!
Our sats from our quick sunset ride were;
Distance: 1.09 mi
Time: 31:53
Moving Time: 25:25
Elapsed Time: 31:53
Avg Speed: 2.1 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 2.6 mph
Max Speed: 13.4 mph
I rode Cherokee the day before, which was the day after our Nebraska February snowstorm and just totted for the fastest we went (mind you, I am now a pretty much walk only rider), but here's our stats from Sunday;
Distance: 2.57 mi
Time: 1:25:32
Moving Time: 53:45
Elapsed Time: 1:25:32
Avg Speed: 1.8 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 2.9 mph
Max Speed: 4.7 mph
Sunday would have been my grandpa's 98th birthday and we got around 10 inches of snow.  There was no going outside for anybody for the most part of that day, though our neighbor came and cleared our driveway in case of an emergency.
Snow used to be fun.  I loved going out in it during winter breaks or helping out feeding all the horses and cleaning stalls at the barn if school was called off due to snow.  Now, I have to seriously consider what and where I'll go if I'm wanting to go outside with snow.  I'm lucky enough to have a husband who'll saddle my horse and bring him to the driveway for me to get on.  We are already talking about how and where we'll put sidewalks in around the place too.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Skewing surveys

Just finished a survey that was posted on my ms20something group-

     Posted by: "UCD Chronic Illness Study" ucdchronicillnessstudy@yahoo.com        ucdchronicillnessstudy

     Sun Feb 5, 2012 2:02 pm (PST)


      You were recently invited to participate
      in a project designed to increase understanding of chronic illnesses.  We are writing to request your
      participation again in the following study:

      Predictors of Disability and
      Acceptance in Persons with Chronic Health Conditions in Internet-Based Chronic
      Illness Support Groups (COMIRB No: 11-1278).
      This study is being led Abbie Beacham, Ph.D., at the University of Colorado

      The study involves answering a series of online
      questionnaires designed to increase understanding of chronic illnesses.  We are
      inviting participants (age 18 and older) who have been and are currently
      experiencing a chronic illness for at least 3 months to complete an online
      survey. It is anticipated that this survey will take approximately 30-45
      minutes of your time to complete.

      In addition, we request that you
      forward/share the survey link to other individuals with chronic illnesses who
      may wish to participate in this studyso that they may have the
      opportunity to assist us in gathering information about chronic illnesses and
      online support groups.
      Please click on the following link if you are interested in
      learning more about the research study:

      https://www. surveymonkey. com/s/JFYG77J

I wonder how much me being an equestrian messes up their results? lol  'How often has your illness interfered in activities you would like to do?'  Um, all the time because I would LIKE to go galloping across the fields like I did as a kid!