Growing up in a non-horsey family, I was always looked at (or at least perceived myself to be looked at) with some skepticism and misunderstanding. It was (is still) perfectly acceptable for family members to put up their hobbies as excuses to miss events, but riding - rarely. Going out to 'play' with your horse was seen as just that, playing. The other non-horse riding members of society seem to have the same views. If you are going out to ride, you're just out playing around. Jobs focusing in on your horse knowledge then, also, should not have to pay you as much, of course, because you're just playing and therefore not to be taken seriously.
Why do it then? It's strenuous, hot, dirty and potentially dangerous. I'll tell you why, for the vast majority of horse back riders, if not all, it's in our blood. Speaking for myself, I cannot think of any other place I feel the most 'connected' to earth, nature, God, than on the back of a horse - or even being around them. I hate speaking in front of people, always have, but if I've got a horse beside me, an inner strength is found and I draw upon the horse's presence. That said, and to hint at a future post, I do NOT view horses to be 'super natural sentient beings' to be put above any other animal.
As I loaded up my horse's tack we'd taken out of the trailer this weekend, I had to ask myself why I was doing this and could see where the non-horse inclined population might view people like me as being a few cards short of a full deck. I'm hoping to head out tonight (barring inclement weather that seems near according to the weather guesser and with the thick, humid air) for 3 reasons.
- To socialize with others who're short the same cards I must be... though let me put this thought out there, perhaps our 'deck' is not short some cards, but we have more than the average 52 card deck.
- To exercise and do therapy for my ms ridden body.
- To keep my horse in shape and 'on task'.
(btw, My horse has chewed on his tongue since the day I met him - 16 yrs ago! - I'm not THAT heavy! rofl)
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