Monday, April 4, 2011

Why must we try to pack as much as possible into weekends?

Really, it was a great weekend... but I will fully admit to crying at one point near the end of the daylight (obviously, the day is not yet over for me at a little b411 pm here... but I'll finish on Mon.).  I'll just go through each day;

Friday: Wasn't too bad,  It started out like every other day, plus a visit from our friendly extension agent to get some advise on our 'new' pasture land, and how to manage our horses on about the same # of acres... 4.5 (we have the pony, lol).  Jayda's friend stayed with us for the weekend, so she got off the bus with her.  I sent them to play after their snack, and then managed the job Nate had given them of cleaning up the rest of the shingles the wind had spread when he re shingled the other weekend.  Not a problem, and the girls where happy when he got home and paid them for the great job they did.  Movie.  Not TOO late getting to bed for the kids, but I remembered, at about 10:30) that we should do some baking for the sale the next day.  Late night for Nate and I.

Saturday: Slept in a bit, but got up in time for breakfast and chores before heading to Beatrice for the 4H bake sale.  Sat and sold baked goods with the 2 leaders for about 4 hours, with the kids periodically coming by the table.  TSC when they have chicks and a dog rescue in is so much fun! lol  Finished the sale, and then walked around the store for grain and salt licks and answer Jayda's plees for things.  Now, remember I'm mostly in the power chair during the week days so I can take care of the baby, so now I'm using my cane so I don't loose ALL my muscle, so this is a marathon for me.  Home a little before 4, and have a pretty relaxed night.

Sunday:  Up and make sure everyone gets breakfast, and then take the friend back and Jayda and I head to church, still using just my cane.  Been wanting to ride with friends forever, and around the new place, so combined both.  New chicken and rabbit 4H leader we'd sold things with Saturday came out to my place and we rode down to the rec area a mile south of us.  I was really hoping to explore the rec area, but we pretty much made it down there and around enough to realize the first entrance wasn't the one you wanted to go to if you wanted to explore.  I was getting tired, so we decided to head back.  STILL can't get used to being the one who calls it quits before everyone else!  Got back and my body said done.  Luckily I'd grabbed the shorter horse and could get my foot onto the mounting block enough that I just kinda slid off. lol  Talked with the PT this morning about what muscles are out of shape so bad that I have so much trouble dismounting, and got new exercises.

It's a shame we have to pack so much into a weekend to get it all done.  Still doesn't seem like it should have been that much to completely exhaust me like it did.  Hate too how I can tell when I've over done it because I get emotional. lol. 


  1. I can get hung up on dismounting sometimes. For me it's an age thing but still frustrating. Trying to cram everything into a weekend and riding too sounds like a lot. Glad you can do it though and hope your new exercises help.

  2. Yeah, I kind of over did it... but there's SO much I want to do...!

    I don't know if my dismounting issues are leg weakness, or that I've forgotten how. :-| I'll just keep trying. :-)

    Checked out your site, beautiful Arabians!
