The day isn't officially started until you get your power chair stuck and have to call the neighbors. LOL
(It's not my first time of learning where NOT to drive)
(It's not my first time of learning where NOT to drive)
Our apple tree just bloomed out!)
So, it's insanely warm out and Cody and I headed out to enjoy the beautiful morning and investigate our place waking up from winter.
(The lilacs)
There was a tractor planting across the road from us (hugely fascinating) and it spooked up a couple deer, so I drove Cody and myself over to watch if they ran across the road; not paying much attention to my terrain - obviously. I wedged my chair into a small gully/ditch. Worked to get it pushed out, but nothing was moving. Desperate, I called the neighbor who usually helps me out but they weren't home. Called my closest neighbor and caught him just as he was heading out to do his planting! Whoo-hoo - he got me loose and Cody and I proceeded on our morning. Poor man came with his pick-up and chains expecting to pull a car out of a ditch!! What else would someone be talking about when they asked for help because they were stuck?
We then moved to play time and running barefooted (which seems to be a new experience every time) and our fluffy kitty came and sat with Cody and tickled his arm.
The horses tried to stare me down to turn them out to graze again as they've gotten to go out most every day since the grass has come in well. Sorry guys, with 90+ degrees in the forecast I want you close to your water.
We swung on the swing by the pasture and the brother to Tipper, or BFF (big fluffy furball) played with Cody when he wasn't sitting by me.
Then Cody tried the climbing wall again. (Momma's going to have to come rescue him if he ever makes it up!)
And as our finish before escaping the growing heat and heading in for lunch, Cody put dandelions between his toes. *insert my raised eyebrow and 'my boy's such a goof' here* Oh, and mowing, I can't leave off, "I gonna mow - OKAY"
I love our start to the day!